1. The Long and the Short of It - Set - Pendant and Ear Rings (wire) - $25.00
2. Coral Reef - Set - Pendant, Ear Rings (wire) and Bracelet (chain) - $30.00
3. Sunshine in the Future - Set - Pendant (Oval), Ear Rings (wire) tear drops and Bracelet (chain) - $40.00 - Pick your ear ring and pendant choice
4. Sunshine in the Future - Set - Pendant (Oblong), Ear Rings (wire) squares and Bracelet (chain) - $40.00 - Pick your ear ring and pendant choice
5. Sunshine in the Future - photo of all available ear rings (wire) - Do you just want ear rings? - $22.00
Made from scrap glass without saws or grinders.
One of a kind fused glass jewelry and accessories to wear.